The most fxcked up thing happened to me today…

So I was on my way home and this lady came and sat next to me on the bus. I was just holding my phone in my hand since I didn’t want to disturb her by putting it in my pocket. So sitting sitting sitting….. bam! Arm comes reaching from my right and you see her trying to take my phone! She didn’t get to touch my phone, I turned to her and gave her the ‘dafuq you doing’ look and of course asking ‘what are you doing’ (with a ‘are-you-stupid’ tone) and well.. she pretty much accused ME of stealing HER phone!

Heres what I remember:
-what are you doing
-give me back my phone!
-this is my phone o.o
-no! give me back my phone you thief!
-this is seriously my phone
-give it! *attempts to snatch phone*
-*pulls away* please can you go away! this is seriously my phone!
Lifesaver from behind comes in and says “what is wrong with you! this phone is this girls! she had it before you even got on this mother fxcking bus! fxck off you homeless bxtch! leave her alone or I will get my boys on to you!!”

She was arguing with him and pretty much ran off the bus at the next stop, I thanked the guy like so much lol! Thank you so much stranger for stepping in and helping me out! I got a feeling she would’ve hit me if I kept talking back.

Truth is.. that lady looked too poor to afford an iPhone and she didn’t smell very nice……………….. yer. I first felt sorry for her since her shoes were broken and she had holes all over her jumper.. but after what happened.. I don’t know how to feel for her.. I just hope i dont see her again O___O

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